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Ranger Nick's Radio Recipe Collection - NEW!

Another recipe book to please your palate.

This anniversary edition contains over 170 of Ranger Nick's favourite recipes, which he has shared on the radio over a 5 year period with broadcaster Danny P. Hoyland.

The Radio Recipe Collection is an interactive book with links to videos, and a section on camp oven cooking, including:

* heat control
* firewood
* charcoal briquettes
* seasoning, storing and caring for your camp oven
* spun steel vs cast iron camp oven
* using the knowledge you already have to achieve the best results

The recipes contained in this anniversary edition are designed to tease your taste buds and make cooking a fun and enjoyable experience with minimum fuss.

True to his style, the entrees, main meals and desserts are quick, tasty and easy to prepare. Not limited to camp cooking only, the recipes can be prepared in your kitchen at home.


Paperback/ 191 pages/ published Dec 2020 by Ranger Nick


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3 Product Reviews
Added by Paul

I love the new book, get it indya in 2021...!!!!
Added by Anonymous

Just tried your pickled pork and pineapple recipe. Worked a treat.
Added by Phillip

Awesome recipe book for camping or at home. 😉 I even have a personally signed copy of this book by both front and back cover legends !!
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